Corporate Sponsorships to Support Excellence in Education in the Needham Public Schools
The NEF fills an important need in our community by giving the Needham Public Schools the opportunity to learn, experiment, and explore. With NEF grants, we find ways to uplift and inspire our students through the funding of innovative educational programs and materials. Through Collaborative Initiatives with the district, we are investing in transformative change in the Needham schools.
We are excited to be expanding our corporate sponsorship benefits to include opportunities for visibility throughout the year, in addition to what we offer through event sponsorship of our annual Trivia Bee. With over 2500 email contacts and nearly 1200 social media followers, we offer a unique opportunity to expand your reach in the Needham community, including families and other supporters of education.
See the full list of sponsorship benefits below. For inclusion in the 2025 Trivia Bee event publicity, which includes High Honor Roll through Valedictorian sponsors, the sponsorship deadline is January 13, 2025. For inclusion in the 2025 Trivia Bee advertising only, which includes Honor Roll sponsors, the sponsorship deadline is February 14, 2025. Sponsorships after these dates will be included in the 2026 Trivia Bee. If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Winig, the NEF Administrative Director, at

The Needham Education Foundation, Inc. (NEF) is operated for charitable purposes and is registered with the IRS as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. Donations to the NEF are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Please consult a tax advisor regarding specific questions about your individual deductions. Thank you for your generosity.